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Success Stories
On the following pages, Baby Love 'graduate' families share their stories of encouragement and success with you. These families have personally experienced the negative implications of sleep deprivation and they have personally implemented our sleep training and are now reaping the benefits of well rested nights which results in a happy family!
Should you wish to be like these families, then simply email and a Baby Love Consultant will contact you shortly.
Should you wish to include your own Baby Love success story on this page, please email your story and pictures to us at , or simply complete the form at the bottom of the page.
Christian Horne (3½ years)
Our Journey and Toddler Love.....
Let me give you some history... our precious Christian is 3 1/2 years old and was sick from 10 weeks as a baby. The doctors battled to diagnose him and this carried on until he had surgery at 9 months but as a result very bad habits were started. Christian would wake up screaming anything from 4 times a night up to every 20 minutes at some stages, leading to an absolutely exhausted and grumpy mommy who still has to work the next day. From about 4pm I would start getting anxious as I knew that bed time was a fight (EVERY night) and that myself or my husband would have to lie with him to fall asleep for anything up to an hour and a half! So because of the stress of how he battled to fall asleep, I stopped his day time sleep at about 18months (in the hope that this would help) and this obviously led to serious melt downs from about 5pm onwards.
We tried our own form of sleep training... it just failed as we didn't have anything set in stone and we tried all sorts of medications for sleeping and premeds... which I had hoped would break the bad habits and then he would sleep through... but this also failed and as a result I felt quite hopeless. I had kind of got to the place where I was so tired of being tired and moaning about it that we were just living with it, but I did feel desperate and would do anything for my boy to sleep.
Then we saw Nikki at the baby expo and we chatted to her (my husband rather sceptical) and gave her our details, not really believing it would actually work. Suddenly I had 3 moms tell me how amazing Toddler Love was at a party and we decided to give it a try...
Nick and I did the Toddler Love course and were in total unity about doing it which of course is key. We started it and I just couldn't believe how easy it was as long as we stuck to the routine. On the first night we had a few tantrums and by the second night he went to bed on his own with ease and only woke up once!!!!!
Christian is a much happier child now that his body is getting the rest he needs, no more anxiety and melt downs. He has a great routine (and he knows it and loves it) and sleeps through the night!!! Praise the Lord!
My only regret is not having done it earlier!!!! Thanks Nikki for the continuous support, words of wisdom and encouragement!! You have been great! And to anyone battling like I did... don't! Just do Toddler Love- it's worth every cent! It has changed my whole family dynamic!
Danielle Horne
owner of Youtopia Health and wellness centre